Check the Navigator Folder on the right for some videos we have uploaded.
Anti-Bullying ad (Hair's on Fire)
Take a stand on Bullying.
Center 4 Exploited Children commercial - Internet Predators
Very good commercial depicting why and how young children (girls in this video) can easily mistake an Internet Predator for a friend. It is clear they are not looking for other teenagers.
Comcast and the NCTA
Comcast has several videos on the topic of social networking, explaining the topic to parents. The videos may be accessed from this site, then just search the list.
The website is sponsored by NCTA (National cable and Telecommunications Association). The focus of the website is Control (set rules and expectations for online behavior), Education (parents need to become more informed), Choice (helping your child make the right choices).
Flash movie can be downloaded to an MP3 player - topics include media literacy, phishing, blogs etc.
sexting video. No words, just the message.
Everyone Knows Your Name
Pretty young Sarah - everyone knows her name AND her intimate information, even the coach creepy guy at the movie theater.
Justin's Story
Now an articulate young adult, Justin was 13 when he got a web cam to connect online with others. At first the conversations seemed innocuous to him, he was in control of the situation after all. But when they promised him money to ... Hear Justin's story of his decent into the child pornography arena.
Great! videos for all ages. View and/or download these videos with their permission. If you would like to download any of the videos below, visit eMedia.
In the educator section of the NetSmartz website they have a long list of videos and activities for you to download. Titles include:
Don't Steal Like a Pirate - long [11 min.] but good animation on the pirating of a song
The Boy Who Loved IM
Terrible tEXt - cyberbullying
Many videos available in Spanish too.
Read the copyright / privacy information carefully.
Once You Post it
A young girl posts a picture of herself on the bulletin board in the hallway. When she reconsiders it, she cannot remove it.
This organization allows you to play or download the flash animations and videos they have created. Topics include cyberbullying, predators, giving out personal information, cyber citizenship, piracy, protecting your computer.
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